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800th post! (And, Coworking meetup)

Yes, this is the 800th post to Soldier Ant (tho' not the 800th published one. There're probably a dozen or so started-and-never-finished drafts lurking around in there, too.) I started this blog just over 5 years ago—I was on a 6 week sabbatical from Netscape at the time. Okay enough reminiscing. I'd love to do some summary stats, a list of links to my favorite entries, etc etc, but that sounds like a lot of work. Which is not why I started this blog.

But I do want to mention that new friend James Bentley and I are holding a meetup in mid-November to discuss coworking possibilities for Columbus. We know we're not the only ones interested in doing this: heck, we've corresponded with some of you. Some of you are space-sharing already, in various ad-hoc ways. And the Paneras around here sure seem crowded in the daytime..

So if you're local to Columbus, work from your home or a cafe, and are interested in changing your workday habits for the better, than please come meet us on November 14th at the Crimson Cup in Clintonville!



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 26, 2007 7:16 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Belatedly, Flickr User Model v3 in High-res.

The next post in this blog is Dog Problems.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.


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