A Procedure and a Promise (to Myself, mostly)
I'm up just a little late tonight, but I've got a couple of things to accomplish before bed. Some laundry, necessitated by our lack of towels, and a blog entry, necessitated by another blog entry: a pattern that I contributed to Yahoo's open pattern library was released into the wild earlier tonight. Christian graciously included a link to here, Soldier Ant which—of course—features nothing more compelling than a weeks-old dick joke. Groan.
So, to give something just a little nicer to greet any of the curious folks coming over from the YUI Blog, I'm going to write up some quick thoughts on the Vote to Promote pattern. That'll be the next post.
But I did want to note, to anyone that cares, tomorrow I'll be going in for a LASIK procedure (long overdue—I've been intending to do this at least since we left San Francisco, almost 6 years ago.) While I'm looking forward to life without glasses (at least for the next 10 years, until I'll probably need some form of cheap reading glasses,) what I'm really looking forward to is the doctor-prescribed four-hour nap that I'll be taking tomorrow afternoon. My mother-in-law is even coming down to help out with the baby, god bless her.
And I also want to note that I've really been feeling the itch to update the site. I've got a whole slew of things I'd like to do (move over to Wordpress—and akismet—so I can ditch the Typekey authentication and finally start receiving comments again, amongst other things.) And a real design. For real. No—for really real this time. I mean it. Really. (As brain-dead simple as it is, I kinda like the background design I added to my Twitter page. I'm thinking of something similarly bold, colorful and playful for this site.)
And… for whatever reason, I think that once I roll these changes out, the focus of the site will shift a bit for awhile. I've never really used this blog to cover work-related things (okay, occasionally) but I've got some things on my mind lately (related to social design patterns, reputation systems, gaming, telecommuting, coworking and the intersection between all of them) that beg to be discussed. So I think I'll shift to those subjects for a while. And dogs. And dick jokes. Okay, maybe nothing's gonna change after all…