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Thinking about LASIK?

A friend of mine in Atlanta once pointed out that -- evolutionarily speaking -- he and I should have been eaten by beasts or left for dead at an early age. (Due to our exceedingly poor eyesight.) I hated that guy.

If you're considering LASIK surgery (like I perpetually am) then here's a nice before/during and after-LASIK weblog.

I like the fact that she names names and gives prices. Some uppity Starbucks barista was trying to convince me a couple of weeks ago that "No dude, lasik is like... 200 bucks an eye. I swear." to which my only reply was "Yeah -- if you're okay with frequenting an eye surgeon named 'Crazy Larry.'"

Call me a stupid American (specifically that brand of stupid that doesn't think he's getting something worthwhile unless he pays too much for it -- <koff - starbucks>) but I will definitely put a little more in the tip-jar for someone who's got my corneal flap in his hands.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 8, 2002 7:22 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Marian Hope Mitchell.

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