Summer is in full effect, and—with the new little one in our house—we've been spending a lot of nights in, watching, swaddling, feeding and diapering. We've also been subjected to a lot of crap (read:“Reality”) TV, which is all that the networks seem interested in pumping out for these long hot months. So it's been a pleasant surprise to find USA's new summer series Burn Notice, an hour-long dramedy that's right up our alley. LeeAnn and I have really been enjoying it.
The premise is pretty simple: Michael Westen is a spy who's been “burned” (basically, fired, but... international spies don't just get their walking papers and 2 months severance.) He's cut loose in Miami, being tailed by the FBI, and—perhaps worst of all—has to reconnect with his mother.
It's a really fun show, and has elements that will remind you of more classic spy series. One part Bourne-ian “Man against the machine”, with a dash of MacGyver thrown in—Michael's improvised weaponry and his surveillance-on-a-shoestring budget gimmicks are a real hoot. But the comparison I keep making is that parts of the show are like the very best parts of the Ocean's 11 films.
Westen is capable to the point of being cocky, usually three steps ahead of everyone else, and you get that satisfying 'aha' moment, week after week, where his plan comes together, his tormentors become the tormented and comeuppance is dealt out in spades. Really smart series and Jeffrey Donovan, who plays Westen, is awesome. He emits unflappability—the guy's most disarming weapon is his hundred-watt smile. It's really refreshing to see a character played so loose and easy. (Here are some Spy Tips delivered in-character by Donovan that should give you a good sense of just how much fun he's having with this role.)
Anyway—Burn Notice is highly recommended. If you, too, are tired of the summer-dreck that the Big 3 + Fox are pushing down our throats, may I suggest that you meander over to USA? (Characters welcome.)
Comments (2)
I read your comment about not getting any comments. I'm also a blogger using TypePad, so your screen looks familliar. Anyway, I've written what I consider to be "killer" articles on my site many times, only to recieve no comments or very few comments. It can be frustrating. Instead of comments, I track my subscriptions and readership; then I feel better. Try that, instead. My site is listed under my name on this board, colinsu; I hate when people use my comment feature to pump their own site! I'll checkout that TV show; I'm disabled so Tv has morphed from the "idiot box" to my best friend. Keep going, you've got a good site. Colin
Posted by Colin Sullivan
July 15, 2007 1:02 PM
Posted on July 15, 2007 13:02
Hey Colin - thanks for the words of encouragement! Best regards...
Posted by Bryce
July 15, 2007 11:29 PM
Posted on July 15, 2007 23:29