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April 2007 Archives

April 1, 2007


J. Caleb breaks down Six Things I Learned From 'Justice League of America Hereby Elects...' including this nugget, about the handmade motorcycle that Superman gifted Black Canary with:

Sure, it's a really crappy looking motorcycle but, still—that shit's handmade.
With pictures!

April 5, 2007

Welcome to the Social

Interesting. U of M's School of Information has added a specialty in Social Computing with a nice-looking curriculum (recommender systems, reputation systems, online communities.)

Creds to Don Turnbull for pointing this one out.

April 7, 2007

Cool in Columbus: fensterbme gets published

So, little things keep making me smile about my hometown. (And, yes, other little things continue to make me grimace. But I'm gonna be a Dad soon—I gotta start focusing on the positive.) So I'm starting an irregular feature on the ol' blog. When I see something cool that someone local has achieved, I'm gonna link it up and celebrate the fact that Columbus has got a lot going on, some of which surprises even me.

And the inaugural item is this. Bryan Fenstermacher is a local guy, and a helluva good photographer. I think I first spotted his work on my friend Rob Duffy's (now defunct?) weColumbus site.

But Bryan was recently published (photos and article) in JPG Magazine: a story about his love-affair with his Crumpler camera bag. And he got a photo into Popular Photography in February as well.

Hot damn! Way to go Bryan—good on ya! And way to keep Columbus cool.

April 16, 2007


I'm up way too late, writing some draft documentation for work. I should just go straight to bed, but I wanted to share a list with you. (Yes, Internet. You.) So, with that... here's a list of things that... when your feeble little brain is grasping for that term... the one that means “premature contractions that may signal the very beginnings of the onset of labor.”

They're called Braxton-Higgs contractions. They are not called...

And finally... no matter how badly you might wish it were true. They also, sadly, are never to be referred to as...

I learned all of this the hard way. Do not repeat my mistakes.

April 18, 2007


The Nursery's Ready, originally uploaded by soldierant.

The nursery is ready. Kirby's off to the boarder's for the next couple days. And tonight we're going to the hospital to induce labor.

I may (or may not) post some notes to Twitter as the labor progresses. (Don't count on it, though.) Now all I have to do is focus on work for the rest of the day.

Wish us luck!

April 19, 2007

Hello World

Edison, originally uploaded by soldierant.

Edison Urban Glass was born this morning. We are all exhausted! More later.

Ain't he handsome?

April 30, 2007

2 from Ryan Adams

I'm really digging this 'and the Cardinals' incarnation of Ryan Adams of late. Aquarium Drunkard links up their performance of What Sin Replaces Love from the Henry Rollins show. I went straight to IFC.com and found this fantastic, tight 8 minute jam Goodnight Rose (shades of the Dead in spots.) Good stuff. I'd skip the interview clip though. As has always been the case with me and Adams, I'm way more interested in listening to him play than listening to him speak.

About April 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Soldier Ant in April 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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