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When others own your metadata

Ick! Micah (who's movin' on up, to the East Side) has (blech) tagged me
with 'cincinatti'! (It's Cincinnati, btw.)

But... but... Cincinnati is a RED city. I live in Columbus—a Blue city that periodically votes red, depending on who's doing the counting.

Now, Micah's a good Midwestern boy, so I'm sure he'll remedy the problem once he sees this. But it's an interesting episode in my ongoing adventure of life amongst social media. I think it's the first time that I've seen a peer-contributed tag applied to me that didn't make me smile.

Usually I'm just so dang glad that someone cares, I don't care if they misspell my name, or call my dog a cat. Hey.. whatever, folk it up, folks!

But... but... Cincinnati? C'mon Micah—give me some credit.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 28, 2007 3:21 PM.

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