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'Roid Rage

Kirby's back on the meds for his ear, specifically Prednisone which is a steroid. It's an immunosuppressive, which means it's suppressing his immune system (which will hopefully lead to less swelling in his middle ear canal, so that the other medicines we're putting in there can reach the infection down lower in the canal.)

But—while the treatment is working wonderfully so far—there are a number of less-than-desirable side effects. Most of these problems did not occur the first time Kirby was on Prednisone (last summer.) So they're particularly disheartening. But, in no particular order, Kirby is: antsy a lot; abnormally hungry; eating frozen dog turds from the yard; manic-ally frantic when he has to pee; thirsty all the time; peeing like crazy (once inside. Damn.) And he seems to be a bit more stubborn than he usually is.

But other than that, he's doing great.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 6, 2007 1:40 AM.

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