No, I'm not drunk. My friend Gary is up late, "half-drunk" (which half, I wonder?) and feeding me some awesome music links over gmail.
Gary and I became Tragically Hip fans together, when we were roommates in college. I found a used copy of Road Apples at Madhatter Music, gave it a listen or two, and then let it lie fallow on the shelf all semester long.
But, thankfully, Gary borrowed it over Christmas break and took it home for a couple of weeks. By the time classes started up again in January, he was all over it, and encouraged me to give it another listen. I've been a Hip fan ever since (even braving sink-pissing Canadians at shows to feed my addiction.)
Gary informs me that their album is being streamed in its entirety at their website.
And another.. quite possibly the epic musical passion of my college life was the Rolling Stone's Exile on Main Street. I like the Stones in general, but I love Exile, and always have. So Gary sends me the link to this entry on Aquarium Drunkard (which is an amazing blog, btw.) It's a bunch of outtakes from the Villa Nellcôte Exile sessions. I haven't even listened to these yet, but I'm gonna savor 'em.