I'm a big fan of Quicksilver's Web Searches plugin. In fact, for work, I've got a series of custom searches defined: I can search Yahoo's corporate directory, intranet, or any of several properties with a couple of keystrokes. The web searches plugin looks for your search patterns in a couple of different places: you can save your patterns as local bookmarks, and the plugin will also pull in any pattern that's defined on the Web Search List at blacktree.com.
This is a problem for me, personally: I use Quicksilver in two different user accounts on my Mac (I keep one account exclusively for work stuff, and another where I run iPhoto, ecto, and some personal non-essentials.) And, heck, were I to use it on two different Macs, I'd really want the same shortcuts to work on either. So I really need host-based search patterns, but (apparently?) the only way to get those it to add my patterns to the huge list linked above. (Which, incidentally, makes them very public and visible -- some of my work patterns, while useless to anyone outside our corporate firewall -- are also things that I wouldn't feel comfortable adding to blacktree's wiki.)
My other problem with the plugin pulling its patterns from the wiki page is just the length and size of that list. I've found this to be a bit of a shortcoming of Quicksilver all-around. It favors flexibility and breadth over specificity and selectiveness. Will I ever want to invoke the LispWorks Search engine? or Ebay.de, for that matter? Track a shipment from 'Purolator'? Nope, nope and nope.. yet, with just a couple errant keystrokes in QS, these searches (and more!) are offered up as first-class citizens in my user experience.
So... does anyone have an idea how I could make the Quicksilver web searches plugin stop looking at the full Web Searches list on blacktree, and instead define a web-source of my choosing, with a small, manageable set of search patterns? (I'd like to host it here on Soldier Ant, and just point to that.) Tolva? Lantzilla? Anyone? There's probably some .plist file that I could alter but I'm hoping the answer is even more obvious than that (some Preference somewhere that I've just overlooked.)
Comments (1)
So, I know how to do this now. And, yes, it does involve some .plist-ey love. I'm going to write up a HOWTO and post it here someday soon.
Posted by Bryce
November 8, 2006 2:56 PM
Posted on November 8, 2006 14:56