If you ever find yourself in need of actual phone support for XBox or Xbox Live, you can reach them at 1-800-4My-Xbox. I'm sure Microsoft would rather you endlessly wander around the maze of low-overhead, self-serve uselessness that is their official web-based support. When you get 'em on the phone, tell 'em that Bryce sent you. (FWIW, the woman who helped me today, "Bonnie", was awesome. Courteous, helpful and patient. The Web will never replace a smart, kind person. Never.)
Update 1/08/2007: I'm not sure this will matter, but—from comments this entry has been receiving—it's clear that some stumble across this page and somehow mistakenly assume that I or this site are affiliated with Microsoft, or are responsible in some way for providing customer support for xbox live. This is, of course, not the case. I'm just some guy who was himself frustrated with XBox Live Support. Particularly, with locating the telephone number for said support. So... call the number above with your support needs. Comment here if you must, but I can guarantee you'll get no satisfaction from doing so.