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Warm Heaven

If you have occasion to visit Arizmendi Bakery in San Francisco's Inner Sunset, I highly recommend it. Aside from their delicious gourmet pizzas, there are also the world's most wonderful scones. (I used to like them warmed in the microwave for ~15 seconds, then topped with butter.) And even though there are .. oh, about 6 coffee shops in the neighborhood, I used to make the trip to Arizmendi just to get a sip of their small-batch, carafe-brewed nectar. So much better than a huge 2-gallon batch of bitter brew from Starbucks or the Beanery. (Don't get me wrong, I love the 2 Beaneries, too.)

What has me thinking about this old favorite neighborhood haunt? Why, playing around with A9's cool new local results with photos. Also cool is this hot-off-the-presses hack that returns a city-street's worth of photos from A9s database. (Found via onfocus.)



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