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The Kursk

The followup to this story had escaped my notice at the time, but here's a small discussion of the sad story of the Russian submarine Kursk, which sank in the icy cold waters of the Barents Sea. Not only did the Russian government badly bungle the rescue operation:

One of the British divers sent out to try to help rescue the Kursk sailors said he was "revolted" to hear the Russians claim they had done everything possible to help.

Paddy Heron, who went out with the LR5 mini-submarine, said: "We had one of the most sophisticated vessels available in Europe sitting at the wreck site with a submersible specifically designed to rescue men from submarines, but the Russians wouldn't allow us to use it."

In the aftermath, Putin and the Naval Authority behaved abysmally toward the sailor-victim's families:
Doctors have been sent by the Russian Navy to the houses of bereaved relatives to administer injections and hand out tablets. Half the women at a recent meeting with Putin were heavily sedated, according to the Moskovsky Komosomolets newspaper.

Local television editor Elena Belkin said of the incident: "It's nothing. They have been giving out injections non-stop to everybody. There's a brigade of doctors there. It's mass psychosis."



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