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Sleeping Dogs Lie

Dozing Dingo

This article on Slate advocates sleeping with your dogs (contrary to years worth of folk wisdom about the negative side-effects: an inflated sense of self-worth in the home social hierarchy being the chief one.) My favorite quote:

An account from a 19th-century explorer in Australia, as quoted in The Domestic Dog, describes how Aborigines were so devoted to their dingoes that the dogs were treated as members of the family and allowed to sleep in the hut. (The rock group Three Dog Night takes its name from the supposed Aboriginal practice of judging the coldness of an evening by the number of dogs required to keep warm.)
Sinister Above is a picture of our dingo-dog, Dozer. He's an absolute gentleman in bad at night - never snores, lie with the grain instead of against it. Demon Polly, however, is another matter altogether. (I found the Slate article on Modern Pooch, which looks promising.)



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