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The Salt Mines

God bless the poor guys and gals working in Call Centers. This has got to be one of the most thankless jobs ever. And here's a l-o-n-g breakdown of one of the worst managers ever.

Kurt told me in no uncertain terms and with a gleam in his eyes and a smile on his face, that he was going to help me "find ways to fire people sooner." He told me "I am good at it" and "I like it!" Others that have worked with Kurt before have confirmed that this is his style. He likes being a "hatchet man". There is a difference between taking the responsibility as a manager to do things that are undesirable yet necessary. I believe as a manager you must be able to fire people when needed... but you should not enjoy itor relish it as he does. My true impression is that of a sociopath with no conscience.
(FWIW, I checked. All the actors mentioned in this little drama do still seem to be gainfully employed by AOL.)



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 18, 2003 7:07 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Belt One Out.

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