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The threedegrees beta looks promising. Community groupware that lives on your desktop, as a shared icon. It's Windows-only, but there's a nice Flash-walkthrough that explains the concept.

Comments (1)

Hmm, I'm trying to imagine trying to get any work done with a desktop full of those group icons "winking" at me. Ok photoshop would cover that all up, I'm sure, but there would still be the sounds.

I think this 10 person limit will make an interesting social experiment. sociologists can see how groups of people will interconntect: will some people becomes "nodes" or will people create daisy changes, how does information move around these networks, and what kind of distortions apear? purple mokney disher.

Either that or the size limit becomes a victim of focus group or executive whim, gets dropped and it is nothing but an annoying way to IM (what with all the animation, your friends changing the music on you everytime you start getting into a song, and the kissing sound coming from your PC) and is killed before it turns 2.0.

Either way it will be interesting and fun to watch.

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