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Scripting Illustrator

Yes, I'm still engaged in the onerous task of trying to automate some graph-making steps in Illustrator. (The goal is to auto-create nicely formatted web traffic graphs). This has been interesting, requiring stops in the worlds of Applescript, XML, Excel and, of course Illustrator. And I still have nothing tangible to show for it!

Except some links, for like-minded folks. (And I know you're out there -- an upcoming Soldier Ant post will break down the findings from my referral logs to date -- one of the most commonly-searched terms that bring visitors here is 'Illustrator Scripting'):

- An Adobe whitepaper (PDF format) discusses their Graphics Server, and gives a breakdown of the XML Graph display commands. It kinda-sorta gives some direction on how to generate your own XML data description for Illustrator SVG graphs.

- Late Night Software provides an excellent library of XML Tools for Applescript that do two simple things - allow you to parse XML, and allow you to generate XML. Which is really all you need.

- Finally, something that is just a little too hard-core for me. My old friend Ben Fry has posted a quick set of 'get-your-feet-wet' pointers on generating post-script, Illustrator and PDF files programatically. This goes beyond simple scripting, or using Illustrator's built-in dynamic data capabilities. Good stuff to know, but if my little dabblings take me there, I fear I will have gone too far.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 17, 2003 1:22 AM.

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The next post in this blog is The Cookie Blob Cometh.

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