
UI Design Archives

November 1, 2002

The Longest Month Name

Mockup/layout note to self: if you're trying to determine, for layout purposes, which month name is the longest that you'll have to accomodate? It's September, with 9 characters. Tied for second place are February, November and December, with 8 chars each.

November 19, 2002

Best Advice Ever

This is a great article on how to influence other team members as an interaction designer. Regardless of the title you've chosen for yourself (IA, UI Designer, plain ol' Designer, whatever) these are some effective tips and strategies for getting your good ideas out there.

February 5, 2003

Does your site use frames or tabbed navigation?

If so, SBC may be coming after you.

This is just assinine. As this linked article points out:

"Just in case you're not fully up on reading patent language, that means that if your Web site uses frames, and there's a navigation frame on one side, with links that load content into the main frame -- you're violating their silly patent, and they can come after you for licensing fees."

March 16, 2005

Interaction Design Patterns

I'm breaking from my usual policy of 'stupid stuff only' on Soldier Ant to point to Implementing a Pattern Library in the Real World: A Yahoo! Case Study. It was recently presented at the 2005 IA Summit by Matt Leacock, Erin Malone and Chanel Wheeler. (Matt and Erin are old friends and colleagues of mine.) This is a great paper and --I'm sure-- was a great presentation as well. Check it out!

Movable Type Usability Bug

Movable Type Usability Bug
Originally uploaded by soldierant.
The Search & Replace feature in Movable Type needs a redesign. If one is attempting to do a simple search (therefore, one enters no 'replace' phrase in the corresponding box), it's all too easy to accidentally click the 'Replace' button:
  1. It's vertically left-aligned to the Search button, and shares a similar size.
  2. It occupies that prime muscle-memory location of 'end of form, lower right corner'
  3. It's especially attractive if one has just checked off some parameters in the 'Search Field' section of the form.
The result of such an action? An irreparable 'Replace' of whatever phrase you thought you were just searching on. With an empty string! Ack! (And you know this shit's serious when I start quoting Cathy.) Are you listening, Jamison?

July 12, 2005

BayCHI Podcasts

This is cool. BayCHI will be podcasting all their events, and putting old ones (dating back to 2003) online. Get the podcasts here. (Now the BarCHI crowd can listen in, hung over, the following day.)

August 24, 2005

XBox 360's UI

Here's a nice several-page feature on the design process for the new XBox 360 user interface. (Actually, the process bits are pretty non-fascinating, but there are teensy screenshots! Whee!)

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