
Movies Archives

April 23, 2003

Rated R for Partying!

The often interesting film columnist Jeffrey Wells comments on The Real Cancun, the new "reality movie" from the makers of MTV's real world:

You have to be some kind of ingrown-toenail type to really love Cancun (okay, it's tolerable if you get drunk enough and stay that way), and you have to be some kind of deconstructionist to make a film like THE REAL CANCUN or, for that matter, pay to see it. But I want to see it anyway for the tail, and in so doing I suppose I'll be contributing in my own small way to the ruination of a once-great art form, so fuck me and pass the salt shaker, bro.

Will film industry programming begin to mirror the "reality programming" trends of TV as a cheap way to grab the young audience?

I'm just glad they're not calling it a documentary.

February 16, 2005

Soldier Bambi

Donnie Dunagan was the voice of Bambi. 62 years later, and what's he got to show for it? A bullet hole in his scrotum sack, and a retirement portfolio full of Enron stock.

May 5, 2005

Hitchhiker's Guide

More Hitchhiker: Wired breaks down the delta between the book and the movie:

The studio exaggerated a romance between Dent and Trillian (Zooey Deschanel) to offset the wackiness of the story line. Ugh. But the sequence involving an alien-filled DMV office and an opening number with singing dolphins that thank Earthlings "for all the fishes" - it's all Adams.
I thought Zooey was cute, so I'm glad they buffed her role up.

And in other news, Jamison liked it, with some small misgivings. And that's good enough for me.

January 10, 2006

V Trailer

So I just noticed the trailer online for V for Vendetta and it looks... interesting. I know that hopes are generally low (I myself was less than pleased with some of the more 'Transporter 3'-like action shots) but I'm willing to give it a shot.

February 3, 2007


While I was visiting the newly-redesigned Yahoo Sports, an ad for this new Mark Wahlberg movie, Shooter, caught my eye. Turns out that it's an adaptation of the Bob Lee Swagger stories by Stephen Hunter.

My brother Brian loaned me the second book in the trilogy, Black Light and it made for a great, gripping airplane read a couple of months ago. This is exactly the kinda stuff I like to read on trips—fast, fun and lightweight.

I'll probably seek out the other two books someday, but this piece of Marky-Mark fluff might suffice nicely in the interim. If it's good (and it's directed by Antoine 'Training Day' Fuqua, so it's certainly got possibilities) then Marky might've stumbled onto a decent franchise with legs. (His 'Bourne' contender?)

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