While I was visiting the newly-redesigned Yahoo Sports, an ad for this new Mark Wahlberg movie, Shooter, caught my eye. Turns out that it's an adaptation of the Bob Lee Swagger stories by Stephen Hunter.
My brother Brian loaned me the second book in the trilogy, Black Light and it made for a great, gripping airplane read a couple of months ago. This is exactly the kinda stuff I like to read on trips—fast, fun and lightweight.
I'll probably seek out the other two books someday, but this piece of Marky-Mark fluff might suffice nicely in the interim. If it's good (and it's directed by Antoine 'Training Day' Fuqua, so it's certainly got possibilities) then Marky might've stumbled onto a decent franchise with legs. (His 'Bourne' contender?)
Comments (2)
Bryce, I just saw the commercial. It's like we were talking about with Hellboy. The movie looks nothing like the book. I'm willing to give it a shot but I like the idea of an old Vietnam vet (think Harry Dean Stanton) street brawling as opposed to Marky Mark's hyper kung fu style. I'm sure I'll go see it though.
Posted by BKG
February 4, 2007 8:18 PM
Posted on February 4, 2007 20:18
Yeah, I'm with you. But I'm afraid the days when any studio would greenlight a Harry Dean Stanton project are... um... well... those days never existed.
Posted by Bryce
February 4, 2007 10:36 PM
Posted on February 4, 2007 22:36