
Illustration Archives

December 1, 2004

Kirsten Ulve

Kirsten Ulve apparently has done illustrations for Rolling Stone, Entertainment Weekly and many other national publications: here's a really charming gallery of her caricatures. I love the Stones one -- so clever to go with Keith and Ron Wood instead of the more-obvious Mick option. (Hey that band is like a caricaturist's dream.)

March 31, 2005

Dragon Hands

Niem Trang's wonderful Dragon Hands.

August 1, 2005

Dot files

Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery has a nice online exhibition, Picturing Business in America:

You’ve probably seen them. Maybe you’ve wondered about them. First invented in 1979, The Wall Street Journal’s distinctive portrait heads, known as “hedcuts” or “dot-drawings” have attained the status of an American icon, readily identifiable with one of the country’s best-known business publications.

October 23, 2007

Belatedly, Flickr User Model v3 in High-res

Wow. It's been 2 years (almost exactly to the day!) since I posted the original version of the Flickr User Model diagram. It quickly evolved through versions 2 and 3, where it stopped:

Flickr User Model, v0.3

Back then, I promised that I'd share a high-res printable and editable version so that folks could do as they pleased with it, and lately I've fielded about 4 different requests for just that. So... never let it be said that I'm not a man of my word. (Lazy yes, but honorable.) So with that...

Illustrator Format Flickr User Model, v3 in Illustrator CS3 formatPDF Format Flickr User Model, v3 in PDF format

Please note: I just changed the Creative Commons License for this piece to permit Remixing! (with proper attribution, and—of course—sharing back to the community.) To be honest, I thought that was permitted before, but I checked and realized that I'd had the stricter 'NoDerivs' clause in effect.

Also... the Illustrator version is in CS3 format, but will probably open in some earlier versions after barking at you about lost effects or something. And all of the type in the Illustrator versions has been converted to outlines which kills the edit-ability but preserves the appearance, since it was originally done in the Sun Sans typeface, which—I'm just guessing—is not all that common out amongst the English. (For you international readers, that was a lame Amish joke. Please disregard.)

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