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More Bone

A couple weeks back, I blogged about the Jeff Smith exhibit here in Columbus at the Wexner Center for the Arts. Well, I just got a notice from Amazon that the exhibition catalog, Bone and Beyond, is now available for purchase! (Well, pre-order at this writing.) I picked up a copy when I went over there and it is a georgeous, lovingly-produced hardbound volume. If you're a Jeff Smith fan, I'd say it's a must-have.

Update, later that day: my friend, and Wexarts webmaster, Rob Duffy reminds me that the book and a buncha other really cool Bone merch! is also available direct from them. (Someone buy me that adorable Fone Bone plush!)



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 19, 2008 12:29 PM.

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