No... really. For real this time! (You may recall that I've boasted, erroneously, about this before.) My talk was accepted earlier this month, and now the final conference schedule is up.
My topic? Designing your reputation system in 15 easy steps. I'm super-excited to be giving this particular talk, as it will put a nice capstone on some work that I've done over the past year at Yahoo! on a Reputation Platform. I'm no longer working day-to-day on the platform, but continue to peck away at documenting some of these patterns and best-practices, and it'll be great to finally give them a public airing.
You'll start to see some of this work emerge as part of our Design Pattern Library in coming weeks as well.
And... speaking of last year's presentation on Complexity, the one that I didn't ever get around to giving... I hope to have some news on that front, too, soon. I (finally ) had an old VHS transcript of an earlier version of that talk converted to digital format and will be posting it here soon.
I love the smell of progress in the morning.