The Times reports on insta-sympathy and baring all to the world and there's plenty of examples like this one, from Vimeo founder Jakob Lodwick:
“For example, if I get in a fight with Julia, I’ll take a picture of her with my iPhone and send it to my Tumblr with the caption, ‘She is mad at me,’” he wrote in an e-mail message. “This saves me from catching up one-on-one with my friends and family. They just know we had a fight. So next time I talk to them directly, they are already caught up with me, and the conversation picks up from there.”Puh-freaking-leeze. Here's an idea: keep your drama to yourself Azrael. Have your little spat, take your licks in private (like a real man) and show a lying, tear-choked brave face to your friends and family. Works for the rest of us.