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4 degrees

Little known fact about my wife LeeAnn: she has a Bacon number of “4.” I'm not at liberty to discuss the full details, but I've been authorized to reveal the following facts.

  1. Melanie Griffith (BN:2) is part of the chain, and
  2. Antonio Banderas can also be substituted for his wife. (Worth noting—Antonio's substitution does not improve LeeAnn's score. Like Melanie, he is a BN:2.)
I guess this means that I have a Bacon number of “5”. Which ain't terrible, but.. fer chrissakes even Gilligan blows mine out of the water.

Comments (1)

erin [TypeKey Profile Page]:

so does the BN have to be from appearing in a movie with Kevin Bacon?

There is an actor: Barry Corbin - from urban cowby, Northern Exposure and now on The Closer. He was in an episode of the Closer, directed by Kevin Bacon - appears on TV next week.
Barry went to college with my parents and was in the theater program with them.

So if that counts it make my number a 3.

Same deal with the actor G.W. Bailey who appears in an episode of the Closer directed by Kevin Bacon (because his wife is the star). G.W. was also in the same group in college with my parents.

If it doesn't then it's a 4 too as Barry has been in several movies and things with actors who acted with Kevin Bacon.

Can't find anything closer...but was fun to try.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 8, 2007 8:03 AM.

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