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For you dog owners out there

Okay, so the pet-food recall that's been in the news this week is horrible. I feel so bad for those families that have lost their cats and dogs to this.

But also of note is this article from yesterday's USA Today—Popular sweetener is toxic for dogs:

A sugar substitute found in a variety of sugar-free and dietetic cookies, mints and chewing gum is proving highly toxic, even fatal, to snack-snatching dogs.

Xylitol, popular in Europe for decades but a relative newcomer to the U.S. alternative-sweeteners market, can be "very, very serious" to dogs when ingested, says Dana Farbman, spokeswoman for the Animal Poison Control Center of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Xylitol looks very common (Altoids, gum, Jello, toothpastes) and only becoming moreso.

Our little Polly is a real sneak-thief (we call her "The Magpie") so we try to be extra cautious about what we let into the house. I guess it's time to take Altoids off of our list.



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