I'm headed for home after a 2-day stay in Sunnyvale, and—with the encouragement of my loving wife— I treated myself to a 1st-class upgrade on the leg from San Francisco to Charlotte. (If it'd been a shorter hop, I probably wouldn't've done it but 5 hours is just about right to spare my knees and back.)
It's been a perfectly lovely flight: watched The Illusionist, which I've been wanting to see for some time now. 19th-century Viennese prestidigitation. Spirit channeling. Edward Norton never disappoints, and Paul Giamatti's performance is as rock-solid as Jessica Biehl's ass. What's not to like?
Now I'm listening to the Kinks' Muswell Hillbillies (I'm trying to reclaim my love of the Kinks from lame HP and photocopier ads, so I've returned to the source material on eMusic lately.) Cleaned up my desktop on the MacBook Pro, where I rediscovered a 22-page PDF on the faked Apollo moon landing (seriously, now—how the hell did we ever put that tinny hunk of hand-machined crap onto the moon?! We didn't.) And threw out a bunch of half-completed bittorrent downloads.
Ya know, I'd be a much bigger believer in bittorrent if I could ever get something to download in anything less than 18 hours. Anyone out there have better luck than me? Leave a comment and tell me what the hell I'm doing wrong. I would dearly love to grab a buncha Season 6 Smallville eps to get me and the wife caught up.
It sounds like LeeAnn had a good couple of days while I was away, too. Getting the house a little more organized (we're going to start readying the nursery in January or so—at least ordering things.) The only downside was a couple horrifying minutes when Kirby pushed his way out our front door, past the neighbor and right out onto Ninth street.
Fortunately there was no traffic coming, but then the old fart took off running, with pregnant lady in pursuit. It's a good thing he tires quick. He slowed up and she grabbed him. It all worked out fine, but tales like that make me really hate leaving the family, even for a few days.
That's it! It's been a much more pleasant trip back to Ohio than it was going out. My only worry is that I'll become addicted to the upgrade. After all, I gotta start saving those pennies away for the baby's college fund...