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A Theory about 'Fables'

My wife got me the new Fables hardcover collection for my birthday (earlier this month.) And it's awesome. I may write more about it later. But I wanted to share a theory that's been nagging at me. If you've been reading the books, I'd be interested in your thoughts. (And I don't think that airing this particular theory is too spoiler-ish, cause it's just that—an uninformed suspicion. A tingle in my gut really. But stop reading if you don't even want to speculate ahead.)

My theory is this. The reason that the Adversary has not yet been willing to launch a full assault on the mundane world? Because he realizes that it's the mundies (the 'mundanes'.. us) that power and sustain all of the Fable lands. With our belief and our imagination. To attack the mundane world would mean the destruction of his own countless conquered realms.

That's my theory.

“Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall (Fables)” (Bill Willingham)



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 19, 2006 3:26 PM.

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