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Feed Tweaks

I'm mucking around a little bit with my RSS feed (for the whole six of you that subscribe to it.) After swapping out templates last week, I realized that it obscured the access-point to my FeedBurner feed for Soldier Ant. So I added that back in to the sidebar to your right. (If you're reading this from the site.)

While I was in there (signed in at FeedBurner) I tweaked the configuration of my feed a little, too. Having the digest of my delicious bookmarks in there was really starting to bother me. I realize that it's probably the closest thing to fresh content that my feed subscribers get, but I've really been using delicious more for personal bookmarking of odds, sods and digital detritus. Most of what I stick in there just isn't really audience-worthy, so I removed the once-daily digest that was appearing.

I really envy the way that John Tolva incorporates his delicious links in the 'marginalia' sidebar on his site. Tight, pithy titles and descriptions.. I just don't usually have the energy to make my bookmarks any more presentation-worthy than however the bookmarklet sucks 'em in. (So I end up with a lot of bm's titled things like "TUTORIAL: tether your motorola/nokia/se phone to your mac with via BT!" Snooze.)

And, anyway, I am exploring some other social bookmarking options. My homeboy Mr. Laaker is one more conversation away from enticing me over to MyWeb. The killer feature is the integration with Yahoo Search. Yep, you heard me right - when you do a Yahoo search, any sites that you yourself have personally bookmarked will appear high in the returned listings. (Of course, they only do so when they match the terms you searched on. We ain't dummies over at Yahoo, y'know.) This is hecka enticing.

I made one other slight change to my feed. Photos from my Flickr-stream will now appear in the Soldier Ant feed only if I tag them with a specific tag. (Cleverly enough, 'soldierant'.) I made this change for reasons that I am too tired to bother discussing right now.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 5, 2006 2:05 AM.

The previous post in this blog was 409-52-2002.

The next post in this blog is Tufte's "Presenting Data and Information" Course.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.


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