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Quicksilver update

So, I have stuck with Quicksilver for longer this time than in the past. (4 days or so easily doubles my old record.) But I have to admit, that it has yet to reveal it's true magic to me. So far, I use it for nothing more than a glorified application launcher (and it's only 'right' about the half the time when trying to divine my keystroke intentions.)

But I know there's a lot more depth here under the hood, so I'm going to continue to ease into it. When I get a spare moment in the coming week, maybe I'll peruse some 'Getting Started' tutorials, or dig deep over on 43 folders for some cool tips to get me excited.

I am rather pleased with Ecto (which I used to use, back when it was called... um, whatever it used to be called.) I think the combination of the two will become something very useful to me.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 2, 2006 6:50 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Dock-free Challenge.

The next post in this blog is The Pilgrim's Progress.

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