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Ear Infections and Toxic Fart Clouds

Yep, this is another Kirby entry, but a short one. He's doing really well. This past Thursday marked his 5-month anniversary with us! and I can't believe he healthy he's become.

He gets really saucy a couple of times a night, and will lay on his back on the carpet, making funny grunting sounds and snapping his jaws in the air. I should really videotape it sometime soon.

Dozer and Polly are comfortable enough with Kirby. There's a lot of social posturing, and some outright agression (usually related to food.) But Kirby's so patient that he (almost) never reciprocates. So little slights blow over quickly.

And, it pains me to say it, but he still has that damn ear infection. It went away for a time. Almost a month. We had an ear culture done, and he's 2 weeks into yet-another round of antibiotics (oral and ointment) and daily ear-washes. And LeeAnn and I taking turns swabbing out his ear canal with wadded-up tissues.

The antibiotics, of course, have a wonderful effect on his digestive tract. He may look like an angel lying asleep on the carpet at my feet, but the periodic blasts of foul-ish green stink tell another tale altogether.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 13, 2006 1:51 AM.

The previous post in this blog was The Phantom Zone.

The next post in this blog is I don't believe you. Continue..

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