Flame Factor
Oh my god. Joe Rogan must be one seriously insecure guy. On his MySpace blog, he gets into a flame war with some Ohio U undergrad and basically wins the Special Olympics. Guess what Joe? You're still retarded!
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Oh my god. Joe Rogan must be one seriously insecure guy. On his MySpace blog, he gets into a flame war with some Ohio U undergrad and basically wins the Special Olympics. Guess what Joe? You're still retarded!
My good friend Rich turned me onto this series, and I'm glad as hell he did. The Walking Dead is, in some respects, a classic Zombie-story (yes, they shuffle mindlessly, and yes, brains are on the menu) but it's so much more.
It's really a psychological study of survivors under extreme circumstances, and the lengths they go to to keep their humanity intact. I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll just point out that Amazon is selling all 4 trade paperbacks for a decently-discounted price! (And you can also pick them up one-at-a-time at the infinitely cool World Famous Comics.) Oh, and the artwork is phenomenal, too.
Ah, this is an old favorite of mine. Dozer reluctantly submits to public humiliation (a bath) and gets his reward at the end.
Lester Bangs reviews Led Zeppelin III, about 11 days before I was born.
Wow. Here's a really crapalicious little number from 1967, a short 'demo film' of a Wonder Woman tv show that blessedly never made it to the air. Produced by the guy who brought you the ultra-camp Batman series. (Don't get me started about the time that Adam West bitched out my brother Brian at the Columbus Car Show when we were kids. I've hated that guy ever since.)
Just a little something that made me smile. The Internet chipped in to save Buck the pug after he had a run of misfortune. Buck made an ill-advised bid for freedom, straight out into the street. 3 broken legs and a $3,000 quote for the necessary surgery left his prospects looking grim:
Colleen Bighley shared her grief on a pug-lovers' website, where she's posted messages and pictures for two years. She wrote about her plans to bring Buck home for one last night before putting him to sleep.Good on ya, Internet! Pugs need a helping hand every so often.A worldwide community of pug people wouldn't let that happen.
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