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April 2006 Archives

April 5, 2006

Paperweight Surprise

This will interest my brother Brian. An old piece of uxo severed a teacher's hand this week, when he tried to kill a bug with it:

Colla found the 40 mm round while hunting years ago, Huston said. He used it as a paperweight and "obviously he didn't think the round was live," Huston said.
Obviously. I don't mean to make light, but here's a much more appropriate paperweight.

April 7, 2006


What's the Frequency, Kenneth? Set phasers to 'Strange':

The transmitter is set to barrage Tagers brain with messages and noise, should he decide to not return and report on his mission. The transmitter would only be removed from his brain upon his safe return to the future. I should add here that future Vice-President Kenneth Burrows just happens to look exactly like, yep you guessed it, Dan Rather:
Of course I remember the Rather incident (and that REM song is, believe it or not, my alltime favorite of theirs.) But the Tager story (and the unfortunate death of Campbell Montgomery) had completely escaped my attention.

Update 12/09/2007: Changed link to point to Internet Archive version, cause original link seems to have gone dead.

April 10, 2006


I found this interesting little history page about SF Chinatown's Tong Wars in the 20s, that ends on a violent footnote:

Drug use in the 1920's was not restricted to opium dens of the Chinese Tongs. Heroin, a new drug formulated to help addicts of opium break their habit, had begun to appear in San Francisco. Retired Officer Charles Foster recalled his first experience with heroin users.

"There was this guy named Kelly," said Officer Foster, "who went on a rampage one night in the 1920's. He got himself all hopped-up and got a gun and jumped into a cab, and he told the driver to take him to Potrero Hill. There was this old guy there just getting dressed up to go to a restaurant for dinner. He was walking down the sidewalk toward the Mission, just minding his own business, and Kelly jumped out of the cab and shot him, for no reason. Then he went on a rampage. He took over the cab and took off over the Hill, and he shot two more people in the chest down around 11th and Folsom. He drove all over town, and he took a shot at Chief O'Brien down around Fisherman's Wharf, although I don't think he knew who he was. The Chief just happened to be there on his way to dinner. Finally, they tracked him down in some cheap rooming house South of Market, and they got him after a shoot-out. That was the first I ever heard of hop, but we sure heard a lot more about it after that. That was the start of the whole thing."

Congratulations, Kelly! Boldly breaking new ground. Now there's some Irish pluck. (Link found via peterme.)

April 11, 2006

Truth in Advertising

Now here're some contractors that understand that brand is everything.

April 19, 2006

Love Slumbers

Love Slumbers, originally uploaded by soldierant.

And this is why we pick up strange, bedraggled dogs from the side of the road. Because even in their sleep, every breath whispers 'thank you.'

April 24, 2006

When the Devil Walked in Devon

On February 9th, 1855 the Devil walked in Devon.

April 25, 2006

Bigfoot sighting

God damn. What a huge rabbit.

About April 2006

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