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Second Trip to the Vet

This coming Monday will mark Kirby's 1-month anniversary in our home. We just took him in for his followup appointment with the vet earlier this week.

There was some good news (he's gained 3 lbs and his skin condition is clearing up), some bad news (the vet's worried that he might have a tumor in one of his testicles) and some.. well, just interesting news: Dr. Judy says that she thinks Kirby's probably 10 or 11 years old. (Which is about 2-3 years older than we'd previously thought.)

The tumor will come off in a couple of weeks (when the testicles do -- sorry, Kirbs. You know we love you, but them things've got to go.) Then they'll do a biopsy to see if it's malignant. If it is then there'll likely be some followup tests to see if it spread any beyond the.. um, removed artifacts. So I'm a little worried for the guy, but he'll be just fine, I'm sure of it.



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