I'm looking at the teevee commercials for the new iTunes Motorola phone on Cingular and I'm wondering: am I the only person left on the planet who values quiet, contemplative walks out amongst my fellow man? With the sounds of the street, or pleasant happenstance interactions with real people? Surely, there are others, right? Who'd rather hear... oh, say, a bus bearing down on them than the latest Lifehouse angst-paen?
Honestly, even the idea of a cell-phone is getting on my nerves these days. I think they exist to ride in your pocket. Put 'em away people. Your pathetic little lives were never meant to be broadcast, let alone screamed into my ear as I quietly shop for beading supplies with my wife at Michael's arts and crafts. I'm gonna start confiscating shit and smashin' em up.
On a side note, I've been travelling a lot more lately, and my patience for asshat airport-loafers is completely gone. STAND RIGHT, WALK LEFT fools! I've taken to (loudly) proclaiming 'Passing on the left!' about 3 seconds before I bowl them over. It's fun to watch 'em scramble.