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Napping at the Folks

I spent the better part of the day today at Mom and Dad's, in Zanesville, and it was the perfect relaxing Sunday that I needed after a (somewhat hectic) week of business travel. Restful, quiet, cool. LeeAnn dropped me and the dogs off with them, then continued on to a bridal shower further down the road. (Deep into the heart of the cell-phone reception void that's also known as 'Southeast Ohio.')

Lemme tell you, you've never truly relaxed until you've napped at my parent's house. On the ride home with LeeAnn, I figured out why -- because my mother is such a polite person, she will never, ever try to wake you up! Now, don't get me wrong -- my wife is generous with my napping allowance, god bless her. I'll lay down 'just for 20 minutes' and she'll let me go the full hour.

But juxtapose this with a nap at my parents.. There I'll lay down with nary a mention of my intended wake-time. And my parents will just let me sleep. FOREVER. Seriously -- it's entirely up to me to decide when I wake. (Okay, me and the 70-some lbs of 2 dogs piled onto me on the couch.) There's just something about a completely unbounded napping opportunity that I haven't really been able to enjoy since I was, oh.. 17 years old or so. Since when I lived with my parents.



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