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Hold that Tiger!

Here's a list of stuff that will work in Tiger. For what it's worth, I will not be working in Tiger for quite a while. Cause I'm just not interested. All my shits working, for the most part, and OS upgrades bore me.

Okay, there's one thing that's piqued my curiosity -- Apple is adding PDF Annotations to Preview. No biggie -- Acrobat has had that for years. But I'm hoping that Preview's Link Annotations are a little more Applescriptable than Adobe's horrible Link Annotation object.

So there. That's my one teensy little bit of Tiger hype. Wee.

Update 05/02: I was in Palo Alto on Friday night (on my way to Border's to snoop around the graphic novel section, cause Lee's Comics was closed for the night.) I popped into the Apple Store, and dropped the new Tiger Preview.app onto Script Editor, to check it's scripting library. Turn's out it's not scriptable at all. Lame! Strangely, there are a bunch of pre-configured Preview actions for Automator, which I thought was just some slicker and friendlier repackaging of underlying Applescriptability. I still believe this, btw, and I suspect that whatever Preview actions are available are derived from scripting the System Events application. Which, for the simple damn thing I want to do, is overkill. I'll wait for my contact at Adobe to get me in touch with someone who can figure out how to get Acrobat to do what I want.



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