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Thoughts on confusing perspective in dog photography

Originally uploaded by soldierant.
Our dog Polly is small. Not Do Pesos small, but she's certainly no bruiser. 20 lbs, most of it heart. (And the remainder attitude.) Yet she never looks all that small in photographs. I carry a picture of her and my wife on my Treo as wallpaper, and occasionally someone will see it and (due to her coloration, I suppose) ask if she's a Rottweiler! Gawd no, she's just a mouthy Manchester Terrier/Chihuahua mix. In the picture (which I won't post here, cause my wife hates that picture) the perspective is a little screwy - Polly is on her lap, and leaning into the camera, therefore the dog's head looks about twice its actual size.

We've kinda got the same problem with our other dog, Dozer. He's not a big dog either (50lbs - big to some, but friends who've never seen him in person sometimes think he's a horse.) And when we photograph the dogs together it gets real confusing, real quick. Due to perspective, she sometimes ends up looking bigger than him.

What's my point? None, I suppose. But I've had this idea in mind to do a series of photographs of the dogs, with various reference points (alongside a human, compared to a hydrant, that kind of thing.) If I get around to it, keep an eye on Flickr, or here.

Oh, and other people must have the same problem with their doggey-pictures.



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