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The Walrus

This is all rather silly, and it's old old news. But if you haven't heard it, it's good for a laugh.

So the rumor goes that Paul McCartney has been dead for more than 30 years. Killed in a motorcycle accident (while distracted by the site of Lovely Rita Meter Maid) he was decapitated (and disfigured badly as well -- nobody was really sure if he was from the house of [Paul].) Conveniently, a man named William Campbell was available to take his place: Campbell has just finished first in a Beatles lookalike contest.

So there you have it. Paul is dead. I buried Paul.

(And if any of this were even remotely true, then I'm officially nominating this Campbell character for the 'New Job Rampup Award' for all time for learning to play bass left-handed, writing some of the finest songs of the 20th century (okay - so even if he just performed them -- even if he just pantomimed them -- it would still be an amazing performance.)

Like I said, this story is older than me (it really is) but it's fun to revisit from time to time.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 25, 2005 6:25 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Easton Freebies.

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