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Halo 2 effect

Ha! This c|net article speculates that Halo 2 could be the thing that forces broadband infrasture improvements.

Sandvine's latest statistics showed that Xbox Live traffic quadrupled when "Halo 2" was launched on Nov. 9, and it has stayed at that level since.
A closer read, however, seems to indicate that this issue is a non-issue, at least for now. Given the relatively small percentage of online gamers, the article ends up sounding like a puff-piece soft-sell for some British Telecom next-gen networking technology.

I've already seen speculation that sometime soon, you'll see a department of labor report blaming extensive Halo 2 -play for a 4th quarter drop in worker productivity. If my own bleary-eyed, early-morning ass-dragging self is any indication, I'd believe it.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Halo 2 effect:

» Halo Hangover from Son of a Pig Farmer
The other day, Bryce, Matt and I played until around 12:30 a.m. Now, it should be noted that Bryce is from Ohio, so that translates to 3:30 am for him, but he was in town (that is the SF Bay... [Read More]



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