Here's a fantastic collection of photos of an angry, scowling Condoleeza Rice. Grrr!
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Here's a fantastic collection of photos of an angry, scowling Condoleeza Rice. Grrr!
Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Condi Rice is the new Cliff Yablonski:
» Condi Scowls from Son of a Pig Farmer
What the hell is this lady’s problem? What the hell does she have to be so damn mad about? She was the Provost of Stanford, speaks a bunch of languages, is an accomplished pianist and figure skater? Can she... [Read More]
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 21, 2004 5:59 PM.
The previous post in this blog was Hot Door.
The next post in this blog is The Burdens of War.
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