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Oh, and did I mention what a fantastic week it is to be in the Boston area? On Sunday I caught Game 2 at the pub downstairs at the Marriot (eating a late dinner after a horrific set of airport delays coming into Boston Logan airport.) There was a decent crowd gathered at the bar -- from the heavily accented cheers that went up intermittently, I'm guessing most of my fellow barflies were local Bostonians.

I have this weird talent for visiting cities at the exact time that they win sports championships. June of 96? Stopping for one night in Denver on a cross-country drive with my friend Mark. Just happened to be the one night that the Avalanche (a brand new team) won the Stanley Cup (Denver's first-ever professional sports championship.) Much mayhem ensued, including Mark and I yelling 'Avalanche!!!' at the top of our lungs downtown. (Under threat of beating from a roving band of toughs in the back of a jacked-up pickup truck.)

Or October 28, 1995 -- the very night that I moved into my new apartment near midtown Atlanta? The Braves beat the Indians to (finally) clinch a World Series victory. People were shooting off guns in my apartment complex. I thought they were celebrating the Series. Turns out that people in Atlanta just like to shoot guns every once in a while.

Mind you, I'm not saying the Sox have this tied up. Anything could happen. All's I'm sayin' is that I fly out of here tomorrow night, so they'd really better consider a sweep if they're looking for my help in clinching it.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 26, 2004 3:03 PM.

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