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Dogs. Again.

Lately, Soldier Ant is all dogs, all the time. I'll get back to scary-big fish and comic books soon. But I gotta share this.

Polly did indeed come home with us tonight, and she's exhausted from fighting her kennel cough. She was a small-but-robust 19 lbs when checked into the shelter, and she weighed in at 15.1 lbs when we left with her today. Almost 20% of her body-weight lost in 2 weeks. (Of course, she may have lost even more weight in the period between becoming lost, and getting turned in to the shelter as a stray. It's hard to know.)

So her energy level is low, but so far she's being a perfect little lady. We've given her a pillow of her own, and it's definitely become 'home base' for her. She only strays from it occasionally to stretch and expectorate. And Dozer, in turn, is being the perfect little gentleman. One or two perfunctory butt-sniffs, but then he's given her plenty of distance. We think he can tell that she's sick (he's generally a pretty empathetic pooch.) We're encouraging the distance, so that he doesn't pick up her cough.

He does seem jealous as hell. I'm sure that'll only grow as Polly gets healthier and a bit more adventurous around his house...



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 7, 2003 12:02 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Turnspit, Pt. II.

The next post in this blog is It's a rock block of Bach.

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