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New Treos in the Fall

A recent Handspring News Alert pointed to a sneak peek at the new Treo 600 line, and I gotta say they look pretty sweet, and god knows my Treo 180 is getting a little long in the tooth.

I'd been considering one of the new color Sidekicks, but the final decision might come down to 2 factors: hand-feel, in a side-by-side comparison between the 2 devices; and exactly what kind of upgrade deal Handspring will offer to current Treo holders. That teaser page mentions a plan for current holders (it also mentions a cheaper price point for the line in general, which will be welcome.)

Comments (1)


I have a b&w Sidekick and (mostly) love it. I was recently playing around with a different Palm phone, (a new model, maybe from Samsung? It was someone else's.) and was even happier to have the Sidekick. Palm doesn't really seem to "get it" the way the Danger guys do. Consider that to get email, even to compose email, you have to be "online," which is a process in itself, because even the email app is basically webmail, not a built-in client, and you are being charged seperately for that online time. The Sidekick is always online. But the software is designed to lose connection at any time, and if you click 'send' and you've lost the signal, it will just wait untilit comes back. The $40/mo covers phone and unlimited data.

I would like a better pda/phone, the Sidekick does have it's flaws. Obviously you get what you pay for, and with the Sidekick you give up all those goodies that the Treo has (SD, mp3, better screen, more compatibility,) but if the new Treos are anything like the Palm phones from other companies, then I'll pass. If I were you I would try them both and return one after a few weeks of trying them out.

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