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The Mandeans Surface

Well, some Mandeans. I wrote about them in January. An alert visitor (who unfortunately remained anonymous) shared the following report..

A small community of 100 Mandeans appear to be interred in Sydney's immigration detention centers. Unfortunately, conditions there are not good for this small group, in the face of an overwhelmingly Muslim presence in the camps:

"The reports we're hearing say that Mandeans, Tamils and other Hindus and Christians - in particular Christian converts - are facing violence or threats of violence from certain Islamists with the detention centres.

"They are being called infidels. They are being refused access to kitchens and things like that because people think they are unclean as infidels.

"This has escalated at times when there is a serious breakdown of order within the detention centre when there are riots and things like that and these groups, who often refuse to participate in riots, are physically assaulted."

I also re-Googled, and found the following mention of American Mandeans, and some small plans to build an exile community on a River in Florida. (The river is, no doubt, necessary to perform the Mandean's ritual baptisms and cleansing by water.)



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