Phil Greenspun points out that Idi Amin is still alive (and living in Mecca.) And Jorn Barger points out that Tarzan's chimp Cheeta is too! (He's an ornery 71-years old...)
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Phil Greenspun points out that Idi Amin is still alive (and living in Mecca.) And Jorn Barger points out that Tarzan's chimp Cheeta is too! (He's an ornery 71-years old...)
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 15, 2003 12:43 AM.
The previous post in this blog was Awww....
The next post in this blog is Full-on Google Fun.
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Comments (1)
I point this out only because I would've never imagined that either of those two public figures are still alive.
I barely remember Idi Amin, mostly as a series of bad puns on 70s-era SNL, but I was under the belief that, like most deposed dictators, he was probably shown some form of gallows justice. Wrong.
And Cheeta? Man that's just crazy:
Cheeta spends his time playing with preschool toys, thumbing through magazines including National Geographic and playing the piano. In addition to his old movies, he likes watching Animal Planet and cartoons on television.
It sounds like Cheeta and I would get along just fine...
Posted by Bryce | April 15, 2003 12:48 AM
Posted on April 15, 2003 00:48