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Robinella & The CC String Band

My wife and I caught Robinella & the CC String Band on Conan last week and they have a great sound. Bluegrass/country roots music. Tuneful, heartfelt. It looks like they've got an album coming out on Columbia, but you can also pick up their prior recordings on their web site. (Which I just did -- "No Saint, No Prize" should be arriving soon.) I'll post a review once I've lived with it for a bit.

Take that, Rob Duffy.

Comments (23)


Does anyone know the name of the song Robinella and the CC String Band performed on Conan O'Brien? Thanks in advance.


The title was "Man Over" I think. It is a new song they have written. I have both of their indie CD's and I went to listen to them weekly in Knoxville up until last Fall when they quit performing locally to devote more time to recording and writing songs.
Personally I don't think that song illustrates very well how great they are -- except you could see then neat way that the instruments (especially the violin) interacted with Robinella's singing.
If you heard her on a blues/jazz song you would be more impresed I'm sure. She does all the Jazz standards -- which I love -- but when she sings country ballads better than the country stars I love that too.
On top of that, these are really nice kids. If you want to know more ... just ask me

Blatant plug: if you'd like a place to sing the praises of Robinella and the gang, you should check out Donewaiting.com (in particular, their Message Boards -- leave a message in the Hype forum.)


I saw Robinella and the CC STring Band at Ann Arbor with Kasey Chambers and have been waiting for the new album ever since! The earlier CDs are just great and Robinella was so nice after the show, autographing a CD for my daughter. PS: "Man Over" I think is the name of the song from the Conan show


Does anyone know where I can find that clip of Robinella from the Conan show online?


How can you contact Robinella and the CC String Band????


what is the name of the violin player in Robinella & The CC String Band, and do you know where i can find pictures of the band?


You can pick up Robinella's Tennessee Recorded CD's at www. robinella.com

Her third is a compilation of the first two by Columbia as a promotional to her Debut album.

She has an amazing sound that can only come from her Knoxville Roots. When in college I would go see them twice a week. I have been a fan for years.

I watched the The Robinella & The CC String Band playing in City Hall Park, New York, yesterday and I was blown away by their music, a mix of bluegrass and jazz mostly, that I've never heard before played with such skill, the music just weaving in and out, taking over from one instrument to the next and blending together at times while making a strong counterpoint at another, like a rich tapestry. Amazing! I've read some of their statements online that sound like "Aw, shuck. We're just ok." but it's not true. They're way too modest and I predict we'll going to hear a lot more from them. Take it from a New Yorker, these group will go places!

i thought she had 4 cds and not to brag but i know Libby.(Robinella's sister).i also thought that Robinella lived in Blount county,TN,and not Knoxville,TN.


Robin does live in Blount County. Her family has lived there in the same house for over 27 years.


This is in response to kitty's question. You can find out just about everything you'd want to know anout these guys at their website "www.robinella.com"...but since they played locally for so long in Knoxville and they're so approachable, they developed almost a little cult following so a lot of folks have been following them for a long time...anyway, Billy Contrares is the fiddle (violin) player. He's the younger brother of Cruz Contrares, who plays the mandolin (and just about any other instrument you set in front of him).


Does anyone know where I can buy or order RobinElla's first two cds? I have the newest which is named the same as the band and her.

Rod -- the band had several earlier CDs for sale on their web site (www.robinella.com), but they appear to have pulled them now that their new major-label release is out. I checked Amazon and it, too, only lists the new title. I'm sure you'll find something if you keep an eye on Ebay.


I have a message from Robinella and Cruz. Their two independent CD's can only be purchased at their live shows. Be sure to vote for their video "Man Over" on CMT.
Thanks for your support!
Whitney (Robin's sister-in-law)


There is going to be a little Contreras in about 6 months!


The name of the fiddle player is BILLY CONTRERAS. I have hung out with Billy a few times, and he is an outrageous character so LOOK OUT.

Robin is my cousin and yes she does live in blount county ,tennessee my mom lives on the same road as her and her family i have know robin my whole life she is my 3rd cousin and her cd you can get at local music stores in maryville tennessee , Robin has been working at this for years now and i am so excited to see her finally have a wish come true ... and yes there is a little one on the way and the fiddle player is Billy Cruzs' brother i havent met him yet but i know that he is an amazing person. Cruz is an awesome person also. VOTE FOR THEM ON CMT !!!


I know libby and jason and jill and jerry and nell and she isnt from knoxville she is from blount county they are all very down to earth people you can walk up and talk to them they are not like any other major band out there !!



Her parents live a couple houses down from me and Im really glad to see she made it. My parents bought their first cd just after it came out from her dad at a horse ride and we really liked her. And Casey is right, they are real down to earth people.


I totally agree with everyone about how down to earth they are, my family has been dedicated fans of theirs for several years now. If you are looking for their indie CDs, they show up every so often on ebay, or contact me (megs2219@yahoo.com) and I can get one from the band and sell it to you for the price they sell it at plus shipping.


I first heard this group on WCKG 105.9 here in Chicago on the Kevin Matthews Show last summer and was blown away. Didn't catch the bands name at the time, but did hear her say that they were from Maryville & were/are UT students. Since I'm originally from Maryville it caught my attention. They are just further validation of the great music that comes out of that area and has for many years!


Okay so we all agree they are really down to earth ..... John ... who are you and who are your parents ? email me please ! cds01@mhc.edu

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