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New Store on Haight St.

Okay, well, "new" to me at least.

It's been over a year since I've been back to San Francisco since moving, but I'm heading out next month. My friend alerted me to a new store on Haight, Kid Robot. I am very excited.

Here is one reason:

Friends with You Albino Squid

So much more. So much more.

Comments (4)

Homes you gotta bring some of the sweet DigiQ cars back to the office. (But not the tanks, 'coz I'm not into playing militaristic these days...)

I was in SF yesterday with a friend, I'd completely forgetten about this post when I walked past it. I just had to go in.

I had no idea how many kinds of Stickfas there are now (I like the Samari)

Rob Duffy went to San Francisco for a week and brought back: (a) not one single Stickfa; and (b) not one single DigiQ car.



but but... you can get 'em at the kid robot store online, cantcha?

don't get your hopes up too high tho, soldier. that place is teenytiny and recently it's been packed like a mug. it's tourist season alright!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 30, 2003 3:10 PM.

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