I was at Andyman's Treehouse tonight with Charlie Tokyo, and the discussion went to me and him starting a two person ukelele band. Trust me, we've had this conversation 50 times, at least.
Possible Band Names (please dont steal them):
The Nuke-eleles
The Puke-eleles
Duke Uke and the Fluke-eleles
The Ukes of Hazard featuring Duke and Luke Uke
Uke Skywalker and George Ukes
There were more but I am drunk and it is late.
Comments (2)
One shouldn't make one's girlfriend laugh like an ass in the computer lab.
Ukes of Hazzard definitely.
Posted by Kiesha | February 19, 2003 12:33 PM
Posted on February 19, 2003 12:33
Nuke-eles! For one thing, Ukes of Hazard has been used. For another, Nuke-eles gives a certain kick-ass aura to the duo. And for another, you'd be able to create a cooler band logo, with retro looking atoms painted on your ukes.
Posted by Beebs | June 28, 2003 2:00 AM
Posted on June 28, 2003 02:00