Myself (10:25:01 AM): I 've jusst decided. I think I'm going to say 'Dang Nabbit' more often
Tokyo (10:26:02 AM): throw some 'Doggones' in there too
Myself (10:26:46 AM): and the occasional 'Dadgum'
Tokyo (10:26:52 AM): nice
« Xbox is an anchor | Main | Xerxes Wept »
Myself (10:25:01 AM): I 've jusst decided. I think I'm going to say 'Dang Nabbit' more often
Tokyo (10:26:02 AM): throw some 'Doggones' in there too
Myself (10:26:46 AM): and the occasional 'Dadgum'
Tokyo (10:26:52 AM): nice
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 6, 2003 10:28 AM.
The previous post in this blog was Xbox is an anchor.
The next post in this blog is Xerxes Wept.
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