Going by his stage name, our old friend will be grabbing a mic, pulling up a stool and entertaining the throngs at Andyman's Tree House this Saturday. (And everyone's favorite man-crush, Ken Gould, will be there too. Bonus.)
« Ah, Netscape. It happens to us all sooner or later... | Main | Mumble and Nod »
Going by his stage name, our old friend will be grabbing a mic, pulling up a stool and entertaining the throngs at Andyman's Tree House this Saturday. (And everyone's favorite man-crush, Ken Gould, will be there too. Bonus.)
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 20, 2003 11:16 PM.
The previous post in this blog was Ah, Netscape. It happens to us all sooner or later....
The next post in this blog is Mumble and Nod.
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